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Pcie Express Card 974087-Pci Express Card Usb C

Startech Com 2 Port Native Pci Express Rs232 Serial Adapter Card With Pex2s553 PCIe card (aka PCI Express card, PCIebased card) refers to a kind of network adapter with a PCIe interface, used in motherboardlevel connections as an expansion card interface Specifically, PCIebased expansion cards are designed to fit into PCIebased slots in the motherboard of devices like host, server, and network switch Perhaps the simplest PCIe definition is that PCIe, or PCI Express, is a highbandwidth expansion standard for PCs The original PCI Express 10 standard debuted as a replacement for AGP and the original PCI back in 03 (You can check out the PCIe Wiki if you want to know more about its history) Pci express card usb c